Monday, October 1, 2012


I've known a lot of clingy people. Sometimes, it cannot be helped because it's in there very nature. They are like creepers, they cannot survive without a support. There's nothing wrong with asking for help, but it is the whiny clingers that I can't handle.

These clingers will refuse to believe in independence as a good thing. They want you to accompany them everywhere: shopping, travelling, business and even the loo. 

However, it is the ones who can't think for themselves that lack the real independence. These people are so shallow that you probably couldn't drown a fly in them. Very easily influenced, these people are. Also they will take rash choices and make the worst kind of blunders, leaving you and me to get them back into shape. It's kind of difficult to explain this kind of intellectual bondage or superficiality. All these people will care about are clothes and shoes and looks, about how they look, about how to heckle others for attention and about what people think of them. They are incapable of thinking beyond the mundane existence. In fact, I feel they are incapable of any kind of independent thought whatsoever. They cannot even decide what they want to order at a restaurant. 

I really cannot understand this. How can you be like that? How can you not know what you want? How can you not understand what you feel abut a certain issue? I'm sure if you give it enough thought yourself, something will come out of it. May be these people are afraid of thinking alone. They are afraid of the consequences of their independent action, stemming from their independent thoughts. 

Being independent has nothing to do with having a lot of money, power and good looks. It's about the courage to think for yourself. It's about the courage to take your own decisions. It's about making your own choices. It's about the courage to be yourself, honestly, simply, with all your talents and shortcomings and qualities and flaws.

I consider myself independent in this context, do you?

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