Monday, December 5, 2011


Yes, I know I should be studying, but if I don’t write this out, I’ll probably forget about it as I have on countless other occasions.

So, I have Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night as a part of my syllabus for the upcoming exam and I found that the dramatist has left a surprisingly large number of issues to the willing suspension of disbelief on the part of his audience. Like, how can Viola pass of in Duke Orsino’s court as a GUY??? Were they all brainless bimbos in the 16th century? Wouldn’t Viola’s physique give her away? In addition, how can Olivia mistake Sebastian as Cesario (who is Viola in disguise) and how can Antonio marry her on the spot, even if she is vehemently professing her love for him (Olivia actually thinks he is her sister)? Therefore, Viola, disguised as a man, is in love with Orsino, another man, while Olivia is hitting on another woman whom she thinks is a man…towards the end of the play Orsino starts discovering his feelings for his young page, Viola who is in fact for him a boy.

Excuse me, WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

And oh, at the opening of the play, Orsino was supposed to be wooing Olivia.

Yeah. It is mindless. :P
Do they really look THAT non-differentiable???
But yeah, that diagram as difficult as the play.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Exams, Pre- and Post-

I wonder if this is a universal feeling. 

Right before the semester/term/year finals, inanimate innocent things called books chase at you like Muay Thai fighters. Your sleeping patterns are disrupted; you look like underfed zombies, and sulk around as if the world was ending tomorrow. You postpone all parties. You say no to all the hangouts. And most importantly, you swear, that from next time, you’ll really really really study hard.

But as soon as you exit the exam hall, feeling rather elated for scraping through in spite of every 2min Facebook and daydreaming session…yeah, that’s right, SCREW exams! You’re getting pant-shitting drunk tonight! LOL! 
By the way, the pictures are hand-drawn by me, inspired by This awesome blog called Hyperboleandahalf. :D