Thursday, September 27, 2012


My boyfriend gave me a book as a goodbye gift when I shifted to Hyderabad. It is called My God is a Woman. Honestly the book itself isn't as smart as its title which was the aspect that interested me the most.

Who is God?
Where is God?
Is it god or God?
Is it a 'he' or a 'she'?

As an India and a Hindu by birth, it's difficult for me to grasp the concept of a single masculine god, because for us there isn't one. We have an absolute array of deities (not gods, mind you) both male and female. But this post will not deal with religion per say, as that would be a separate topic altogether.

What I do want to talk about is the concept of GOD, assuming that it a singular entity.

How do you define God? Gamers use phrases like god-of-the-game. We often say an impressionable personality to be god-like. Hotbods become Greek-gods. But who is he/she? What does he/she look like? How old is he/she?

Where does god exist? Is god a concept or a reality? Would he/she continue to exist without the human consciousness? Where is this being, if he/she exists at all? Where do they live? Is it really possible for a single being to create, control and charter the entire universe?

I've always also wondered whether God is male or female. The primary public instinct is to think of this apparently all-powerful being as a man. At least, the newer religions that are primarily monotheistic propagate this viewpoint. I had gone to a Catholic Missionary school all my life. When I was young, I didn't mind the prayer services and attending the masses. Later I started to feel a conflict within me, because, even if my family isn't very religious at all, I had entirely different notions about God and divinity than what we heard in school.

All this questions and queries should suffice to indicate my agnosticism. And these questions stem from a confused childhood. I didn't know what to believe. My parents did not force me to be religious. I'm a non-follower of rituals, idolatry and scriptures. Yet, I'm not entirely decided about God. I don't know if they are real. I don't know what they are. And I like it this way.

But there is something I do know: My god is a woman.

My god is my strength. My god is my will power. My god is my good judgement. My god is my trust. 
My god is my honesty. My god is my endurance. My god is my gratitude. My god is my generosity. My god is my sense of justice.
No, I haven't met my god yet. I'm in her pursuit.  


  1. My God is funny. Does not get offended. Even I don't believe in God. I just keep the faith. And that's what matters.

    Good post.

  2. I guess the humour was unintentional... :P But I'm glad you liked it anyway :D

  3. one thing i should point out here that human perception or thought are limited by his/her we have only two means to understand concept of god first is qualities of god which could be seen in scriptures and second, mechanism of his working(science) through observing the matters around us.if god would perceive by human mind then its not a god at all. there could be always two conditon in ur belief first -u believe in god who created this universe 2nd-u could say the universe itself is god except this two condition there is no other alternative..belief in god give us some universal yardstick of moral values which form a basis of dialogue between us other wise our moral values become contextual which could be change with passage of time.suppose u talk about truth,justice,power,honesty,grratitude etc without existence of god and its become a medium of communication between us but suppose tomorrow these values change and you leave these values then what could be medium of communication and who hold you responsible for this
