Friday, July 12, 2013

It's That Easy, and That Hard

Write-Club. A club for writing. Right, Left, Democratic...Whatever. Some strangers, well, maybe not-so-strangers, coming together to write for writing's sake.

Topic: Write a story with each of the following words, in 144 characters.

Words: Change, Bottle, Flavour, Wheel, Master, Left

"No change!" he told the relentless beggar. The beggar promptly pulled out a bunch of ten-rupee notes.
(Characters 102)

He gazed out helpless out of the taxi window, missing one turn after another. Unfortunately he had forgotten the local vernacular for left.
(Characters 143)

They leered towards her in the dark, she seemed to be asking for it. She just gripped the broken Budweiser bottle tighter.
(Characters 123)

Suddenly, all their toothpaste tubes were missing their caps. Later they were found as wheels on their little son's toy car.
(Characters 123)

Dark, inviting eyes. Soft, smooth lips. Her heart was still racing as she stepped out of the cabin of her grammar master, face flushed.

(Characters 134)

The menacing prison guard stepped forward with the hemlock. He looked up and smiled, "Are there more than one flavour?"
(Characters 118)


  1. I fucking LOVE it! and you chose to quote Neil Gaiman who started his writing career by writing about Douglas Adams. My favourite writer at the moment. oh BTW did i tell you that i fucking love you! I do.
