Saturday, November 26, 2011


What do you do when someone really close to you has no clue that they've hurt you real bad? I guess you apologize for the inconvenience. And wait for them to realize that you had been crying all through the previous night. Maybe hide behind words. But never, ever let them know, because that'll just make them sad and you even sadder. Instead, try listening to some Pink Floyd and Nirvana.

"And if they try to break down your disguise with their questions
You can hide hide hide
Behind paranoid eyes 
You put on your brave face and slip over the road for a jar
Fixing your grin as you casually lean on the bar
Laughing too loud at the rest of the world..."

And yes, you're allowed to be sad once in a while.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Some people have a very annoying self-pitying habit. We all have self-pitied at some point or the other, but with these section of psychos, it is a fully-fledged all engulfing reflex action. Most of them are not even aware of it. One little spark and before you know it, you’ve broken down the great wall of self-pity and it’s all over the place. You only need to voice your genuine anxiety about an upcoming exam and these self-pitiers will let you know, vehemently and in more details than you can tolerate how ill-prepared they are, what a great lot they need to study, only they are subjected to such misery…blah blah blah. Jeez, get a grip on yourself man!

There are worse things in life than a bloody exam damn it! And yes, voicing one’s worries isn’t a crime, but only when it is done occasionally and sparingly.

Some people refuse to learn, just as they refuse to grow up.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Syllabus and I

long time no see...
I really should be studying, but obviously writing about random stuff entirely unrelated to the syllabus always appealed to me more. And this is what i want to write about today. I won't claim I’m a prolific reader or have read a huge lot, but i do read. Unfortunately, what I read NEVER coincides with my college-prescribed syllabus. And mind you, I’m an English Major, in my final year too. 

Okay, so we had Keats in our syllabus last semester. i should tell you here that I’ve been in love with that man since high school. I read a number of his poems, his sonnets and of course his odes. But by some weird luck, I never came across Ode to a Grecian Urn which was to be taught. 
Again, sometime in my freshman year, we had a Jane Austen novel: Pride and Prejudice. i had read Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility but not Pride and Prejudice.
When we did Hardy, i had finished Far From the Madding Crowd but not The Return of the Native.
See what I mean? It can be a bit frustrating after a while.
And in my next and final semester, we have Frost and Eliot along with a few others and I’m pretty sure the poem we will be doing from either Frost or Eliot will neither be After Apple Picking, nor The Love Song of Arthur J. Prufrock.
I think it’s the syllabus’ way of taking revenge. It must have realized by now (heck, I’ve been going at this for almost 16 years of my 21 year old life!) that this disregard and disrespect is mutual. I never cared much about school/college work. And they don’t care about me. Yay! I feel good!
What can I say? Just my luck… ;)